"Excellent smoke"
It’s amazing what a great cigar davidoff is the best ever. if you’re looking for a smooth smoke very nice aroma construction is excellent just an awesome cigar
Johnnyin Brooklyn ny June 29, 2022
"smoke the best"
Over the many many years I have smoked cigars, I ve tried so so many LCA releases, PCA releases, and just every new release from every manufacturer. I now make this declaration; I Smoke the Good Shit.., Not the Bullshit . And to start most mornings it s Davidoff 2000 ! just the right amount of flavor to start the day. The rest of the day belongs to Fuente, Hemingway, Don Carlos, and of course some Opus X.
Joseph S Sproulin PA February 14, 2022
"My favorite"
This cigar is by far my favorite. If your looking for a mild cigar, this is a great one.
Lance in Hawaii October 13, 2011
"Not nearly as good as Davidoff Classics"
Don't get me wrong Davidoff is a great company and olot goes into the making of these, but I was really dissapointed in this one compared to the classic series which are my forvorit mild cigars. This one was kind of bitter and I tried all 4.
Mark in Eagan August 6, 2008