"Great cigar and fantastic shopping experience"
I’m a long time cigar smiker and over the years I’ve narrowed down my search to the davidoff special T. It’s my go to cigar and is perfect mix of medium bodied ,smooth smoking perfection. Far with the extra few dollars in my opinion . I’ve tried them all but this is a very special smoke
David Cohenin New York City August 24, 2018
Burn was good, draw was a bit tight at first and construction was okay. it pealed a bit from its centre body. Taste was fantastic.
Johann in Malta May 7, 2014
"No flaws - a perfect smoke"
Consistent, elegant, and refined. What more can a cigar offer?
DuWayne in Michigan December 15, 2013
"Excellent from start to finish"
One of the best cigars I've every had the pleasure to smoke. Consistency, draw, taste and aroma are superb.
Tom in Houston November 2, 2010