Best cigar money can buy.
Andrei Munzerin New York September 12, 2022
"Top Of The Line"
The entire Davidoff lineup is truly exceptional and practically one of the very best cigar brands in the world today bar none! The Aniversario #3 Tubos, is my personal favorite that rivals most authentic cubans I have smoked and the flavor and aroma take you on a rollercoaster ride with how delicious this cigar is. I found nice hints of pure cocoa, almond, some leathery cedar notes and at the end it had a medium to heavy grassy, citrus note. Quite a cigar indeed. Best in it's class especially for those who appreciate high end cigars and of course.. "The Good Life".
Greg in FL June 23, 2006
"awsome cigar"
A wonderful smoke a very high quality cigar. This
cigar is as good as many cubans that I have and still smoke. A+ I have never heard anybody say that a Davidoff is a average cigar. They are truly one of the finest you can buy. The roles royce of cigars expensive but well worth it.
chad in Allentown December 15, 2005