"I find Nicaragua cigars mellow and smooth right down to the stub"
Nicaragua cigars for the money are way superior than Cuban cigars; however, I live in Canada and my federal & provincial governments turned a great deal by Famous Smoke Shop into a tax grab of almost 4 times the price I paid for the cigars!! It s probably cheaper for me to fly to Nicaragua, buy the cigars there and fly back.
Mikael Webberin Ontario Canada April 21, 2021
"Disappointing for a CAO"
I picked a few of these up after trying the CAO Brazilia. The Nicaragua Granada is a hefty cigar with a slow burn that ll last you a couple hours. Other than that, it s not a very memorable cigar. The flavor is nice and earthy and dark, but it just didn t stay with me, and the density of the roll makes it a tough draw.
Not the worst cigar I ve ever had, but disappointing for a CAO.
Arbeein Columbia, SC October 17, 2019
"A nice surprise!"
I really wasn t expecting much from this, but I was wrong. This is a great stick, with the Nicaraguan flavors I love,. Not the most complex stick, but consistent, rich flavor all the way through.
Mitchell Abelin Chandler, AZ October 17, 2018